amah doula
As a certified postpartum doula & sleep consultant I provide all the emotional, educational and physical support you need throughout your postpartum period in addition to providing sleep support/training for your newborn throughout their toddler/preschool years.

a little about amah doula
My name is Jaynie Fruh. I am a certified postpartum doula PCD(DONA) and CPSM certified sleep consultant. As a mama of four littles herself I know motherhood is a beautiful thing. I also know it can be exhausting and have many challenges, especially during those first few months after your baby (or babies) are born.
Well, congratulations!! If you're on this site you are probably a new mama or mama to be. Maybe you are just an EXHAUSTED one who's baby/toddler is not sleeping. I applaud you on your new role just as much as I do you seeking additional support. Support I know you won't regret. If there's anything I wish I would've done differently myself it would have been to ask for more help or accept the help that was offered to me.
I am not just here for your baby (babies) I am here for YOU and your whole family. I will be there to ease the burdens of daily life so you can bond & enjoy that new little one of yours by offering hands on postpartum care on the seacoast of New Hampshire and surrounding areas and I offer virtual sleep consulting work all around the country. So if you're a new mama or mama to be in the seacoast area, amah doula is the site to be on. See how smart you are? You are going to rock this new mama gig!! And if you are an exhausted mama, I am here to support you NOW anywhere around the country.
What I Offer
Yay!! Your tiny little human(s) is/are here!! You are a rockstar. You're elated. You're over the moon excited. But girl, let's face it, you just gave birth...you're probably also extremely exhausted and even rockstars need a little help sometimes. Here's where I come in.
As a postpartum doula I am here to offer nourishing postpartum support, help guide you along with newborn care, help with family support & tackle those household duties that are probably weighing over your head.
The role of a postpartum doula changes from day to day...just like motherhood does. Once you are settled in at home with your baby, I will provide you with gentle, hands-on & dedicated care. I will begin my shift by checking in with you to see if you have any questions or concerns with the baby (babies), hear how the night went, etc. Then, I'll ask what you need the most from me that day. Maybe you need help with the laundry, maybe last night's dinner is still actually ON the dining room table, maybe you'd like a nice hot shower to feel a little more like yourself again, perhaps you want a little alone time and trip to your local coffee shop to grab that chai you've been dreaming of sounds like a legit vacation at this point!
Based on what you are wanting the most, I will take it from there. If the baby needs to eat I can provide you with breastfeeding or general feeding support. I'll set you up with that much needed glass of water and well deserved healthy snack. I'll either sit & chat to help answer any questions that may pop up or leave you to snuggle that new little human you created and go off to clear up last night's dinner mess and throw in a load of laundry. If you haven't already noticed...a new baby sure does create a lot of laundry!!
Postpartum care and newborn bonding require time and focus in the first few months after your baby is born. As a postpartum doula I will ensure you that those household chores are tackled while you rest and nurture that little one. Light tidying, laundry, simple meal prep, errand running are all things I am eager to help you with.
Quite often (when asked what you need) your answer will simply be SLEEP!! Sleep deprivation & motherhood come hand in hand. A mama can't give from a depleted source so if sleep is what you need, sleep is what you'll get. While you nap i'll tend to the baby if he/she is awake or swaddle that little wee one up for a nap and work on household duties. It's amazing how fast the house can seem to fall apart when you have a new baby, especially if there's an older sibling(s) around. If that's the case, I will help with them too. When a new baby enters the picture everyone's daily life is altered...it doesn't matter if you're five foot five or three feet tall!! I will provide useful tools to encourage sibling bonding and help make this transition for them a smooth and easy one for them. Toddlers are typically very eager little helpers. They thrive on feeling special and useful (don't we all?) and even a simple task like handing over a diaper during a diaper change can make them feel like a superhero. And let's not forget YOU are a rockstar...of course there would be a superhero in your house too!! A postpartum doula's role is extremely valuable when welcoming a second, third...fifth baby!! How easy do you think it is for 'mama to nap while baby naps' when you have other little feet pitter pattering around the house? Short answer...IT'S NOT!! Unless, of course, you have help (i.e. me).
As a postpartum doula I am there to offer any support I can. I am there to listen to your concerns and offer any tips or suggestions (when needed) that I feel will be helpful now and in the future. I am there to help families make this transition as enjoyable as possible.
A new mama deserves to feel nurtured & loved just as much as that new little baby does!! This is not a time you want to look back on and remember feeling alone, sleep deprived with a fussy baby and unsure of what to do. This time is irreplaceable and I feel honored to help make this time as enjoyable as possible for and your family. I strongly believe that when a mama is well taken care of she and her whole family will benefit.

sibling care
Here for You
The early days of child rearing are truly magical but can be very scary and stressful. My role with my postpartum services are to ensure you get the best information and care possible.

Postpartum Support
Informative and Compassionate
I take on a limited number of clients at any one time to make sure I can give you the full care and attention you deserve. By offering Postpartum Support, my goal is to reduce any stress, allowing you to pay attention to your body and your baby.

basic newborn care
Offering Support
With my postpartum care, I offer unwavering support to you and your family. I will stay in close contact in order to routinely check how you’re doing and step in with anything you might need. I am here for you : )

Sleep consulting work/$450 two-week package
A good night’s sleep changes everything!!
As a certified sleep consultant, I work directly with families all around the country to help get their infants and toddlers get the proper sleep needed for their ‘new to the world’ brains to grow and develop. They become more secure and well rounded with much less frustration, distraction and experience far less of those, oh so scary, temper tantrums.
With your $450 two week sleep consultation package from me, you will receive everything included below.
- You get customized sleep plan geared specifically towards your little one’s needs & special circumstances.
- You will get unlimited email & text support from me throughout your two-week investment.
- You will get a 30 minute phone consultation that can be used at anytime during your two-week period between 7am to 7pm.
Here’s how it works…
Once you’ve hired me as your sleep consultant, we will schedule an initial phone consultation. Here we will discuss you and your little one’s sleep concerns, your current sleep schedule/routine (if there is one!), their current sleep habits, in addition to what your end goal is (I’m guessing SLEEP!!).
Once our initial call is finished, I will develop a detailed, comprehensive sleep plan for your baby/toddler. This sleep plan will give you step-by-step instructions to follow for the next two weeks.
Throughout this two-week period you will have regular (unlimited) contact via email and text support. I will be here cheering you on and holding you accountable for your baby/toddler’s sleep success. I will offer loving support, advice and clarification on anything in your customized sleep plan or that your little one is experiencing throughout this period.
amah doula packages
all packages consist of loving, nourishing and informative support!!
This package ideally consists of 3 visits lasting 4 hours each. This package is guaranteed support for your family without committing to more hours than you know you'll use. It's designed for families who may already have some outside help lined up (perhaps those very excited first time grandparents!!) after the baby is born but you are pretty confident you are going to welcome a bit more (non-judgmental) professional support. This is ideal in the first 3-6 weeks of your baby being born yet can be purchased anytime in the first 12 weeks. This package is an ideal baby shower gift...so mama, if this sounds appealing, let your friends & family know!! Additional hours can certainly be purchased after your three visits (or 12 hours) are up.
additional hours // $40 per hour
This package consists of 20 hours of amah doula care. Ideally it would consist of five visits @ 4 hours each...but I know how life with a new baby can get...mama's and baby's wants & needs change on a daily basis. Times can be adjusted based on availability. This is a great package for families who aren't quite sure what to expect after the baby arrives or how much additional support will be needed. I promise you...you'll never hear a mama say she wished she had less help in her baby's first few months. so if after your 20 hours are up additional hours can always be purchased.
additional hours // $40 per hour
Whether this is your first baby or your 21st (okay, i'm pretty sure you'd have the mommy thing down if it was your 21st....but I certainly know you'd need extra help if it was!!). The rockstar needs a reboot package consists of 40 hours of amah doula care. Typically broken down into 10 visits @ 4 hours each visit. It's ideal for families with limited outside support after your baby arrives and it brings great relief to mama's with extra little feet at home. This package allows for extra rest & support possibly needed due to a c-section or other minor complications associated with birth. As with all amah doula packages additional hours can be added if need be. I am here for you, mama!!
additional hours // $40 per hour
What new mama would say no to 60 hours of guaranteed postpartum help? No, seriously...can you think of one? Being supported throughout the fourth trimester (did you know it didn't stop at three?) is scientifically proven to provide the most optimal transition for you and your family. This amount of support provides an abundance of time for you (mama) to get the rest you need & bond with that itty bitty baby while I dote on you & your family. Laundry, I got it. Are you envisioning the pile of breakfast dishes in the sink? Don't...I got them. You go take that well deserved shower and leave me with the dishes and baby too. This package typically consists of 15 visits @ 4 hours each visit. additional hours can be added as needed.
additional hours // $40 per hour
Are you anticipating some rough nights? Why is it that you're the rockstar...yet it's your baby that parties like one? This package consists of 20 hours of evening/nighttime amah doula care. Typically five evening or nighttime visits lasting 4 hours each. This package allows both mama & partner to catch up on a bit of much needed rest while I tend baby, help with older siblings get ready for bed, tidy up the house after a long day, etc. All while you recharge for whatever the night may bring.
additional hours // $40 per hour
amah doula by the hour // $40 per hour
I typically book in 4 hour shifts although time adjustments can be made based on availability.